2019 May - New Site Up - Lots of Thank You's to Many People
It was hugely satisfying to launch the re-branded Holi Boli website with our new collection on June 24. After many discussions about the direction Holi Boli should take we felt that we have come up with a good one. c is wrapped up in feeling like we are doing something that is worthwhile. Aiming to be the best in the world is a lofty but worthwhile goal. With the help of some absolute genius artists we feel we have developed a website that reflects the high quality garments that we produce. We are absolutely proud to present to you the new Holi Boli!
धन्यवाद (Thank you)! So many people have come together and worked with us to make this happen and we would like to acknowledge them here.
- To our customers: without your support there is no such thing as ethical business. All of us at Holi Boli thank you!
- Matt - Graphic Designer - Thank you for seeing our potential and working so hard to define what our direction should be and how that needs to be presented. You are kind, humble and brilliant. We love how you have 'dressed us'. www.mattwatsondesign.co.nz
- Liz - Photographer - For so many years you have faithfully been the unseen hero of everything good Holi Boli has had produced visually. You embody everything that Holi Boli stands for - sisters helping sisters! Thank you for your work for so many seasons. You are brilliant! You make the models beam because you show them hours of kindness. www.elizabethj.co.nz
- Hamish - Video Maker / Photo Taker - Thanks so much for recording the party in Wellington and then coming over to India and enjoying the summer (48 C / 118 F) and enduring a cyclone. The Holi Boli crew loved you so much they danced with you - we haven't seem our team do that with an outsider before. You make everyone feel super relaxed. All amazing - one million billion thank yous! www.flyingsaucer.net.nz
- Brit - Model - Wow! You are amazing! Thank you so much for keeping your glow for 3 days straight. Holi Boli is so proud to have you as its front person of our new look. Super love who you are and thank you so much for all you have done for Holi Boli. Made up by Brit
- Hope - Model - We loved the joy you brought to our product shoot. Thank you for supporting Holi Boli and bringing empowerment to ladies in rural India. We appreciate you and feel amazed when we see our products being presented by such a beautiful person.
- Sarah - Legend - Thanks for being my sister! You are one of those special people who can 'make it happen'. Attention to detail and being there when I needed you to help my jet-lagged brain. I love everything you do and everything about you! You Rock!
- Gitu - HTML Guru - Thanks buddy! You are Mr. Faithful! Always there when needed. Your coding skills computer hacking skills saved the day more than once and we salute you and your skills. Thank you for being available and awesome.
Ha ha! We, Holi Boli, are so excited about moving into a new phase, stepping up a few gears, and heading on up.
Holi Boli - Fearless Ethical Fashion Blog
Thank u
Lyn on
Love this! Holi Boli must be the happiest place in the fashion industry. Keep up the great work people. I love the Earth Explorer Top!
Mary Taylor on