2020 January - Team Building Fun

2020 January - Team Building Fun


Team Building Exercise 2020

Only the person wearing the crazy 'magic' hat is able to cross the 'imaginary' lava river BUT she can only wear the hat once!  How can the team get to the other side?   

It has been super amazing to have a fearless Outward Bound instructor Emma Yates here for 2 weeks from New Zealand.  Emma has used her team building skills with us here at Holi Boli every morning.  We have learnt to get out of our comfort zones and keep growing as people and as a team.  It is amazing to have such skilled people come and give us such quality inputs.  Thank you Emma - we have really grown in the last 2 weeks and we are buzzing!

Empowered woman - empowering women!
Fun times team building 2020


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